Name of the Faculty: Dr. Sachin Rajani
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Role Play
Name of Course: Power System.
Topic Covered: Three Phases of Transmission line for 4th semester.
Description: Role Play
Goals for Adopting Method: To make students clearly understood the concept of 3 phases of transmission lines. To explain in a manner so that the students can visualize RYB phases of a T- line.
Description of Methodology:
The students with red, yellow, and blue colors shirts or t-shirts were identified and were asked to come on stage. These students were arranged in a single vertical line with R at top Y at middle and B at bottom. With increase and decrees in the transmission voltage, the students were separated by a greater or a lesser distance that shows conductor spacing in a transmission line. It means that for 66 kV Demonstration, students were separated by a smaller distance whereas 132 kV they were separated by greater distance.
Significance of Method: By explaining the three phases of transmission line with this method, students can co-relate easily with the practical transmission lines of 66kV and above.
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Role Play
Name of Course: Electrical Machine -1.
Topic Covered: DC Generator.
Description: Role Play.
Goals for Adopting Method: To make students clearly understand the concept of generator. To explain in a manner so that the students can visualize generator construction.
Description of Methodology:
Five students are selected to come on the stage. Four students make circle to show a stator and one student in the center of circle represents a rotor. Now, the students who represent stator will show the production of magnetic field and the student who shows a rotor will be given an initial torque to rotate. Thus, the production of electricity by generator can be visualized.
Significance of Method: By explaining the generator with this method, students can co relate easily with the practical generator.
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Shilpa Kathad
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Project Based Learning
Name of Course: Microcontroller & Microprocessor.
Topic Covered: Programming Language.
Description: Mini Project based on “Microcontroller & Microprocessor” for 6th semester students.
Goal for Adopting Method: Students can make Hardware Based Mini Project and get the practical knowledge of Microcontroller & Microprocessor.
Description of Methodology: By fabricating hardware based mini project on the general-purpose PCB, observe the output and workout on the assembly language and C language programming.
Significance of Method: To practice more on Programming language and its applications.
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Hardik Pandya
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Project Based Learning
Name of Course: Power Electronics.
Topic Covered: Three phase inverter.
Description: Mini Project based on “Power Electronics” for 4th semester students.
Goal for Adopting Method: Students can make simulation and Hardware Based Mini Project and get the practical knowledge of power Electronics.
Description of Methodology: Under this title we group of faculty members decides few titles by brainstorming and allot the title to the student’s group in the beginning of the semester. Few titles are related to simulation, and few are of hardware implementation. Faculty members do rigorously mentor of the group and at the end of semester students submits their work with one page report and evaluation of the same been done by the faculty member.
Significance of Method: To encourage the students to use latest tools and technology to enhance their practical knowledge.
Name of the Faculty: Dr. Alpesh Adeshara
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Learning Through Field Visit
Name of Course: Switch gear and Protection.
Topic Covered: Types of Circuit Brakers.
Description: Field Visit to Electrical Maintenance Room for 8th semester students.
Goal for Adopting Method: Student can understand the function and its specification of the air circuit breaker.
Description of Methodology: We take students to electrical maintenance room available in our campus and explain the function ACB type Circuit Breaker.
Significance of Method: To understand detailed construction of ACB type Circuit Breaker.
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Hardik Pandya
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Learning Through Field Visit
Name of Course: Electrical Power Generation.
Topic Covered: Generation of Power Thermal Power Station for 4th semester.
Description: Industrial Visit to Thermal Power Station, Sikka
Goal for Adopting Method: Student learn the Power generation through thermal power plant.
Description of Methodology: An expert gives overview about the power plant and its detail functioning. Students also visits the entire plant, switch yard and control room.
Significance of Method: To understand complete function of Power plant.
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Learning Through Field Visit
Name of Course: Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Equipments.
Topic Covered: Testing of various instruments for 8th semester.
Description: Industrial Visit to Energy Research and Development Agency (ERDA), Vadodara.
Goal for Adopting Method: Student learn the testing and calibration of various instrument.
Description of Methodology: In ERDA one of the experts from ERDA explains the functionality of ERDA in seminar room and then they divide the students into two group and take them for field visit to see various testing demonstration and various instrument calibration method.
Significance of Method: To enhance the practical approach for testing of various electrical equipment.
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Amit Pathak
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Learning Through Field Visit
Name of Course: Electrical Machine – 1.
Topic Covered: Construction of Transformer.
Description: Field Visit to Distribution transformer for 4th semester students.
Goal for Adopting Method: Student can understand the detailed construction and its specification of the transformer.
Description of Methodology: We take students to distribution transformer available in our campus and explain the various parts of transformer.
Significance of Method: To understand detailed construction of transformer.
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Learning Through Field Visit
Name of Course: Design of DC Machine and Transformer.
Topic Covered: Design of Transformer for 6th semester students.
Description: Field Visit to Distribution transformer for 6th semester students.
Goal for Adopting Method: Student can design the detailed construction of 3 phase transformer.
Description of Methodology: We take students to distribution transformer available in our campus, they note down the specification of transformer for calculation of design problem.
Significance of Method: To understand design of three phase transformer.
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Amit Pathak
Name of Innovative Method Adopted: Learning Through Field Visit
Topic Covered: Power Quality Improvement for 8th Semester.
Description: Industrial Visit TO ABB Vadodara.
Goal for Adopting Method: Student learn the Power Quality improvement techniques and advance technology for the same.
Description of Methodology: In ABB Power Tech one of the experts from ABB explains the entire concept of Power Quality and its issue in seminar room and then they divide the students into two group and take them for field visit to see the demo model.
Significance of Method: To enhance the practical knowledge of the students.