IIRS (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun)-ISRO Outreach Programmes have been initiated by IIRS-ISRO as an extension of scope of utilizing EDUSAT/INSAT 4CR satellite for distance learning to use the internet to avail access to a large number of institutions/universities /individuals with little cost to the user. Today these programmes are linking more professional and user departments and ministries in the country to develop their skills in geospatial technologies and its applications.
V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot has been an Active Nodal Center for IIRS -ISRO Outreach Programmes since June 2020 to avail the benefits of IIRS Outreach Programmes for students and Staff members.
V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot has also received the prestigious Best IIRS Nodal Center Award 2022 all over India on 28-3-2023.

The details of the IIRS Outreach programmes conducted so far (V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot as being the Focal Center) as given as below:

Sr. No.Name of IIRS Outreach ProgramDuration
1Karyshala on Space Technology and its Applications10-01-2023 (1 day)
2Geodata Processing using Python20-2-2023 to 25-2-2023 (1 week)
3Geospatial Modeling driven urban hazard and risk analysis13-2-23 to 17-2-23 (1 week)
4RS and GIS Applications in Atmospheric and Oceanic Hazards27-2-23 to 3-3-23 (1 week)
5Advances in Remote Sensing Techniques for Geological Applications13-3-23 to 24-3-23 (2 weeks)
6SAR Data Processing & its application with special emphasis on RISAT 1-A/EOS-410-4 to 14-4-23 (1 week)
7Overview of Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Technology24-4-23 to 28-4-23 (1 week)
8Geomatics in Urban studies24-5-2023 (1 day)
9Applications of Machine Learning in urban studies5-6-23 to 9-6-23 (1 week)
10Geospatial Technology for Climate Smart Agriculture10-7-23 to 14-7-23 (1 week)
11Geospatial Technology for Archeological studies7-8-23 to 11-8-23 (1 week)
12Satellite Meteoroly Applications in weather and climate studies7-8-23 to 11-8-23 (1 week)
13Integration of ground based in situ observations/measurements with EO data for enhanced Geological Applications: Advantages and Challenges24-8-2023 (1 day)
14Basics of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System and Global Navigation System28-8-23 to 17-11-23 (12 weeks)
15Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis22-8-23 to 22-9-23 (5 weeks)
16Overview of Space Technology14-9-23 to 28-9-23 (2 weeks)
17Global Navigation Satellite System25-9-23 to 6-10-23 (2 weeks)
18Monitoring Forest Disturbances using Geospatial Technology4-10-23 (1 day)
19Geographical Information System9-10-23 to 27-10-23 (3 weeks)
20Remote Sensing based data Analytics in Agriculture26-10-23 (1 day)
21Basics of Geocomputation and Geo-webservices30-10-23 to 3-11-23 (1 week)
22RS & GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management 6-11-23 to 17-11-23 (2 weeks)
23Automated Feature Extraction from High Resolution Images20-11-23 to 24-11-23 (1 week)
24Geo-data sharing and Cyber Security28-11-23 to 11-12-23 (2 weeks)
25Edicovariance Techniques for Ecosystem studies22-12-2023 (1 week)
Sr. No.
Name of IIRS Outreach Program
1Karyashala on Space Technology and Applications10-1-22 (1 day)
2Overview of Geoprocessing using Python17-1-22 to 28-1-22 (2 weeks)
3Global Navigation Satellite and location based services21-2-22 to 4-3-22 (2 weeks)
4Hyperspectral and Microwave Remote Sensing Techniques for Geological Studies7-3-22 to 17-3-22 (2 weeks)
5Advanced Geospatial Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction18-4-22 to 29-4-22 (2 weeks)
6Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation and Geodata Handling & Processing2-5-22 to 13-5-22 (2 weeks)
7Status, Challenges and opportunities for Geospatial technology applications in irrigation water management17-5-22 (1 day)
8Planetary Exploration of the Moon : Findings from Remote Sensing Missions20-5-22 (1 day)
9Geospatial applications for Forest Eco-system analysis from20-6-22 to 25-6-22 (1 week)
10Machine learning to deep learning : A journey for remote sensing data classification4-7-22 to 8-7-22 (1 week)
11Satellite Remote Sensing of Atmosphere from11-7-22 to 15-7-22 (1 week)
12Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Agriculture25-7-22 to 29-7-22 (1 week)
13Water Quality studies using hyperspectral remote sensing for the Indian Coastal and Inland waters5-8-22 (1 day)
14Basics of "Remote Sensing, Geographical Information system & Global Navigation Satellite System22-8-22 to 25-11-22 (14 weeks)
15Remote Sensing & Digital Image Analysis22-8-22 to 16-9-22 (4 weeks)
16Applications of Remote Sensing & GIS Technology (Hindi)14-9-22 to 18-9-22 (1 week)
17Global Navigation Satellite System19-9-22 to 30-9-22 (2 weeks)
18Overview of Geographical Information System3-10-22 to 28-10-22 (4 weeks)
19Applications of Geospatial technology in Paleochannel studies : Potential and Future trends11-10-2022 (1 day)
20Geo data sharing & cyber security17-10-22 to 21-10-22 (1 week)
21Overview of Geocomputation and Geo web services31-10-22 to 4-11-22 (1 week)
22UAV Remote Sensing21-11-22 (1 day)
23RS & GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management11-11-22 to 23-11-22 (2 weeks)
24Advances in monitoring and modelling of hydro meteorological hazards using geospatial technology and process based models5-12-22 to 9-12-22 (1 week)
Sr. No.Name of IIRS Outreach ProgramDuration
1Karyashala on Space Technology and Applications11-1-21 (1 day)
273 IIRS Course on Overview of Geoprocessing using Python18-1-21 to 29-1-21 (2 weeks)
3Satellite Based Navigation: journey from GPS to mobile platform1-3-21 to 12-3-21 (2 weeks)
4Geoinformatics for Disaster Management5-4-21 to 16-4-21 (2 weeks)
5Workshop Earth Observation based mapping, Monitoring and Modelling of Landslide: Recent trends and support to early warning system21-4-21 (1 day)
6GIS for supply chain management26-4-21 to 30-4-21 (1 week)
7Webinar series on Image Restoration of Optical Data16-4-21 to 7-5-21
8Webinar Series on SAR Data Processing7-5-21 to 28-5-21
9Geospatial technology for archeological studies17-5-21 to 21-5-21 (1 week)
10Earth Observation for Carbon Cycle Studies21-6-21 to 25-6-21 (1 week)
11Overview of Web GIS Technology21-6-21 to 2-7-21 (2 weeks)
12Machine learning to deep learning: A journey for remote sensing data classification5-7-21 to 9-7-21 (1 week)
13Workshop on SAR application for flood hazard mapping & monitoring16-7-21 (1 day)
14Geospatial Technology for Hydrological Modelling19-7-21 to 30-7-21 (2 weeks)
15Geospatial Modelling for Watershed Management2-8-21 to 6-8-21 (1 week)
16Workshop on Lunar Remote Sensing and its applications11-8-21 (1 day)
17Basic of RS, GIS & GNSS16-8-21 to 26-11-21
18Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis16-8-21 to 26-9-21 (2 weeks)
19Global Navigation Satellite System13-9-21 to 24-9-21 (2 weeks)
20Fundamentals of Remote Sensing & GIS Technology14-9-21 to 28-9-21 (2 weeks)
21Basics of Geographical Information Sytems27-9-21 to 22-10-21 (4 weeks)
22Geospatial Inputs for Enabling11-10-21 to 15-10-21 (1 week)
Master Plan Formulation under
AMRUT Sub scheme
23Basics of Geocomputation & Geo web services25-10-21 to 2-11-21 (1 week)
24Workshop on Applications of Satellite Altimetry for inland waterbodies27-10-21 (1 day)
25RS & GIS Application in Natural Resource Management8-11-21 to 26-11-21 (3 weeks)
26Geoinformatics for Biodiversity Conservation Planning6-12-21 to 17-12-21 (1 week)
27Geospatial modelling driven urban hazard and Risk Analysis21-12-21 ( 1day)

Prof. Sheron Henry Christy

Assistant Professor,

Department of Electronics & Communication,

Focal Coordinator,

V. V. P. Engineering College, Rajkot

Contact No : 9624074443
