
  • To promote awareness about sexual harassment through educational initiatives that encourages and fosters a dignified and safe environment for women on campus.
  • To provide a neutral, confidential and supportive environment for the campus community who may have been sexually harassed.
  • To ensure fair and timely resolution of complaints about sexual harassment.
  • To provide information regarding counselling and support services on the campus.
  • To ensure that students, faculty and staff are provided with current and comprehensive information on sexual harassment and assault.

Dr .Piyush VanzaraChairman of Committee- Principal, VVPEC
Dr. Charmy PatelConvener - Associate Professor and Head, Electronica & Communication Engg. Dept.
Mrs. Pooja ChavdaMember - Assistant Professor and Head, Bio-Technology Dept.
Mr. D. B. RavalMember - Lab Assistant, Electrical Engg. Dept.
Mrs. A. R. UpadhyayMember - Lab Assistant, Electronics & Communication Dept.
Kum. Vipasi JaniMember - Student (I.T. Dept.) (Enrol. No. 220470116039)
Kum. Preksha KotakMember - Student (Mech Dept.) (Enrol NO. 210470119030)
Shri Aditi SonyMember - Student (B.T. Dept.) (Enrol No. 220470104018)