Year 2019-2020

DateEvent NameDescription
01/01/2019Alumni Interaction – Mr. Parth SavaniHe interacted with students for further studies for more than half an hour and studies at Germany. He emphasized the importance of writing research paper.
04/01/2019Expert Lecture – Dr Ravi Ranjan KumarExpert talk on “Cancer Biology” by Dr. Ravi Ranjan (Shri M&N Virani science College, Rajkot).
04/01/2019Expert Lecture – Dr Ravi Ranjan KumarExpert talk on “Cancer Biology” by Dr. Ravi Ranjan (Shri M&N Virani science College, Rajkot).
15/01/2019Expert Lecture – Dr John GeorrgeExpert lecture on “Molecular Biology to Systems Biology”. Dr John Georrge got best teacher awardee 2018 (Under Graduate-Life Sciences) by the Gujarat Science Academy. He talked about more recently, the genomics revolution has catapulted molecular biology into the realm of systems biology.
15/01/2019Alumni Interaction – Mr. Vivek SamaniVivek shared his experience of his being in Masters Course in Food safety at Illinois Institute of technology, Chicago. He emphasized on research work and the need to know the fundamentals of every subject.
10/02/2019A workshop – as conceived under “karyashala” – was organized on “Applications of RT-PCR”.Hands-on training of absolute qualification by using starter kit and demonstration of PCR instrument and software analysis was carried out too covering duration of more than 6 hours.
18/02/2019Expert Lecture – Dr Neepa PandhiDr Nipa Pandhi – a renowned Microbiologist- (HoD- Shri M&N Virani science College, Rajkot) delivered on “Probiotics- The wonder bugs”.
2/04/2019Expert Lecture – Dr. Vijay ThiruvenkatamDesign &Engineering proteins and small molecules to study their structure and function via X-ray Crystallography” by Dr. Vijay Thiruvenkatam- IIT Gandhinagar.
31/08/2019Expert Lecture – Prof. (Dr.) Minoo ParabiaExpert talk on “Medicinal Plants”, It was absolute privilege to have the living legend and renowned botanist – Dr Minoo Parabia-(retired prof.-Bioscience dept. VNSGU, Surat) on our campus at V V P Engineering College, Rajkot on 31st August 2019 for talk arranged for undergraduates of Biotechnology engineering on “Some Observations on Status and Research Avenues for Medicinal Plants”.
4/12/2019Alumni Interaction – Mr. Swapneel TankMR. Swapnee Tank- Manager-Life Science/Lab Water Division- was awesome. Sharing, caring and progressing- discussed products and services.
13/12/2019 and 14/12/2019A National Level GUJCOST sponsored Seminar on “Statistics for Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences”The seminar aims to serve as a platform where all participants can gain knowledge about essential statistical concepts and on hand practice session that may be very helpful for students, faculties, Research Scholar.
19/2/2020Alumni Interaction – Mr. Rajan RamanujMr Rajan Ramanuj (Our first batch 2008 pass out alumni) came from Canada. Being in this field, he shared real valuables from his professional experiences and interacted with students one– to-one asking about their goals and objectives.