V. V. P. Engineering College Alumni Portal constitutes of alumni and faculties of V.V.P. engineering college. The portal has the following objectives in the field of engineering as:

  • To re-connect and revive old memories as well as stay updated with college activities.
  • To pursue and sustain excellence in education by interaction between the alumni, faculty and existing students.
  • To bridge a gap between the students and industries in the endowment for the growth and development of education and research in the engineering field.
  • To innovate new programs and services for the upliftment of the existing students.

You are kindly requested to register as a member on the web portal as well as invite and encourage your batch mates and VVPians to join and actively participate to connect our VVP alumni spread across the globe. So ensure to register and make the most of it by just a click on  link   https://vvp-alumni.co.in

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Dr. P. B. Vanzara
Principal and President,
Alumni Committee
Dr. Rupesh Ramani,
Mechanical Engg.,
Alumni Committee
Prof. Sneha Pandya,
Elec. & Comm.,
Alumni Committee
Dr. Darshana Patel,
Head, Information Technology
Prof. Pooja Chavda,
Prof. Jilesh Pandya,
Chemical Engineering,
Prof. Aakash Chavda,
Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Nirmal Bhalani
Electronics and Communication
Dr. Maulik Dhamecha,
Computer Engineering
Prof. Vijay Vyas,
Information Technology
Prof. Pratik Koradiya,
Chemical Engineering
Prof. Kinjal Rank,
Civil Engineering
Prof. Sheyas Dhulia,
Prof. Pravin Vadhel,
Applied Science and Humanities
Mr. Nandanbhai Dave,
Student Section
Mr. Sameer Kanaiya,
Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Ramesh Ravat,
Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Vipul Dave,
Account Section