VLSI: The VLSI (Very-Large-Scale Integration) lab is well-equipped with some of the most modern facilities of recent times. It is designed to encourage the students to use Hardware equipment included in laboratory like FPGA development kits from Xilinx and Altera Inc. along with high-end software tools and packages for VLSI design and synthesis namely, Xilinx ISE Foundation Software and Spartan – 2 based FPGA trainer board Kits, Altera Quartus design environment along with Nios-II, DE –l, DE -ll board and other IP packages. ML: The ML (Machine Learning) Laboratory is well equipped with high speed internet connection based system to carry out research and develops different theoretical foundations for machine learning such as linear regression, logical regression, multinomial regression, and various types of classification with the help of different algorithms implemented in Google Collaboratory. (Google Collaboratory allows anybody to write and execute arbitrary python code through the browser, and is especially well suited to machine learning with the facility of zero configuration, free access of GPU and easy to share.) 


The Digital Signal Processing lab is equipped with MATLAB, LabView, CCS, COLEA like software and Texas DSP boards and supported daughter cards and Altera Boards along with the high configured Desktop system.

Microwave Communication

Microwave laboratory equipped with 10.05 Ghz microwave bench along with Passive components such as Tees, Couplers, Twisters, corners, ferrite devices etc, measuring instruments like VSWR meter, Power meter, frequency meter etc., generator such as klystron generator, gun diode, and microwave antennas such As micro strip antennas, horn antenna, dipole antenna, reflectors etc,. Laboratory also includes slotted lines, variable and fix attenuators. Microwave bench helps students to understand the concept of high frequency devices and measurements of different parameters. Laboratory also has Digital Storage Oscilloscope, multimeters and modulators for microwave reception and transmission.

Antenna Laboratory

Antenna lab equipped with Scientech based antenna trainer kits consist of antenna motor unit antenna transmitter, Receiver circuit, stepper motor controller along with various antennas like dipole antennas, helical antenna Yagi-uda Antenna, strip antenna, parabolic reflector, whip antenna, micro strip antenna, slot antenna, horn antenna etc. to observe and study radiation pattern and analysis the parameters of antenna with the help of simulation. This laboratory is also equipped with all types of latest antenna used in various applications. This laboratory has antenna design software HFSS to design the antennas along with their parameters.

Fiber Optical Communication Laboratory & Circuit and Network Laboratory

Fiber Optical Communication Laboratory: The Fiber Optic is set up to complement the topics studied in the Optical Communication theory course. The lab is equipped with Fiber Optic Communication trainer kits and modules to enable the study of components of optical communication. Circuits and Networks Laboratory: Circuits and Networks Laboratory is an important lab to learn basic circuit laws, circuit theorems, circuit analysis using different methods and synthesis of networks. In this laboratory students design and test various circuits using network theorems, reduction techniques, and learn to measure various parameters with accuracy. 

Power Electronics Laboratory

Power electronics laboratory equipped with single phase converters circuits as well as 3 phase converters circuits along with its different control strategy. Converter includes choppers, inverter, controlled rectifiers, voltage regulators, cycloconverters with all kind of load such as R, RL ,RLC and RLE. Also the VI measures of power devices like Thyristor, MOSFETs, IGBTs ,BJTs, TRIAC, DIAC etc… can be done in this laboratory. Triggering circuits and commutation circuits are available for all power devices in this laboratory. Facilities available in this lab help the students to do their quality projects to work with latest Topologies.

Wireless Communication Laboratory

In this lab following equipments are available : Mobile Trainer , GSM Trainer, CDMA trainer Nokia Browser software , AT Command testing kit with GSM trainer , NetSim software

Electronics Communication Laboratory

Electronics Communication laboratory is well – equipped with all types of ANALOG Communication based kits like amplitude and frequency modulator demodulator set ups, super heterodyne receiver kit, RF Generators and also with CROs and high-end digital storage oscilloscopes.

Digital Communication Laboratory

Digital communication laboratory is well – equipped with all types of DIGITAL Communication based kits like sampling, PCM, Delta and Adaptive Delta modulation and all variants of shift keying techniques along with CROs and high-end digital storage oscilloscopes. The advanced setup of error correcting codes and shift keying modules with signal processing facilities are also part of the laboratory.

Embedded Systems Laboratory

The embedded systems Laboratory equipped with ARM7/ARM9 and IAR trainer kits with required IDE for the kits. The hardware includes IAR-LPC210x, LPC2148, ADU-831 advanced microcontrollers ready to work board where all peripherals are interfaced with the ARM core. Embedded systems lab helps the students to enhance their knowledge on microcontroller architecture, programming and interfacing. Facilities available in this lab help the students to do their quality projects to work with latest trends and technologies.

DCN and AI

DCN: The Data Communication Network (DCN) lab supports learning and research work using Network Simulators – NetSIm, NS2/3 and Packet Tracer with DCN hardware kits study Data transmission protocols such as ALOHA, CSMA, N/W topology like BUS/RING/Token BUS, CSMA/CA-CSMA/CD and Stop and wait, Go and Back and selective/repeat protocols using hardware and software tools available in the lab. are also implemented for LAN. Lab also equipped with NetSim Academic version and NS2/NS3 free source simulator to study various current wired and wireless technologies. AI: Artificial Intelligence Lab equipped with higher configuration computers to apply search methods, game playing tree search methods, grouping – sorting – merging of data set and to implement simple convolution neural network using python and prolog programing.

Research and Project Lab:

The primary objective of the Research and project lab is to facilitate, and support development of projects, products or techniques/technology aimed at specific end use. The Research & project lab is useful for the overall development of students. It envisages active student involvement and association in the development effort. The intention is that the products/technologies developed under the project by the students should be useful to society. The lab will also help students to apply the latest research techniques in their ongoing projects, Mini Projects and Design Engineering Projects. It will be very much useful to enhance their Technical skills for various technical competitions like hackathon, Robotics competition. 

Analog Electronics Laboratory:

In the Analog Electronics Laboratory, the students can create their own electrical circuits and do measurements on it. In the circuits students can use Semiconductor devices like Diode, Transistor, FET, MOSFET, resistors, capacitors etc. The circuits can be powered by an AC/DC power supply. The Lab is equipped with the state of the art measuring equipments like Digital Function Generator, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Digital Multimeter, etc.

Digital Electronics Laboratory:

The Digital Electronics Laboratory is well equipped with Multiple Training boards including Logic Gates, Counters, Shift Registers, Flip-flops etc, Memory Programmer kits along with supported equipment’s like Digital Oscilloscope, various measuring instruments.

Lab Technical Staff

Ms. Asha Upadhyaya

PDCA, DECE, Experience: 18 years Industry: 3 years

Mr. Sanjay Patel

B.Tech.(E.C.), D.E.C.E. Experience: 18 years

Mr. Dhirendrasinh Jadav

B.C.A, M.C.A Experience: 12 years Industry: 5 years