Message from Head Of Department
IT Department of V.V.P. Engg. College firmly believe in the doctrine that students should be a part of the ever-expanding technology and so they should be aware of the recent advancements. In the IT sector, demand for skilled professionals and well-trained Engineers is on the rise. The department ensures to provide a better IT Infrastructure to its students so as to build their IT Skills and make them competent in the IT World.
Department’s primary focus is to continue making efforts to ensure that all IT systems and services are highly available, highly reliable, and highly secure. It also significantly enhances the technology and facilities available to students and faculty and also strengthens its systematic effort to support the effective use of technology to improve teaching, learning, research, assessment and the administration of the College.
Our goal is not limited to provide the students with just academic knowledge but also encourage them towards building their career according to current demands of the field. The Department provides innovative contemporary and accessible technology in computing and media services to enable the student, faculty and staff of the college to effectively meet their goals as a learning community and to work collaboratively with the campus community to provide technological leadership which emphasizes empowerment of the individual through the use of technology.
Prof. Dr. Darshana H. Patel,
Head of Department,
Information Technology